As part of the DEI 1.0 strategic plan process, units created annual plans for DEI action and identified strategic objectives and action items to enact DEI efforts. Every year, units reviewed and updated their DEI plans to both reflect both progress toward goals and incorporate newly identified opportunities and challenges. At the end of the DEI 1.0 period, the evaluation and assessment team analyzed unit-specified actions and identified the level of progression toward institutional change for these actions from Year 1 to Year 5 of the DEI plan period.
Progression levels reflect the degree of evolution of a DEI action, from initially declaring a commitment to an action (Level 1), to taking specific action steps (Level 2), to sustained practice (Level 3), to institutionalizing an action as part of unit standard operations (Level 4).
Across campus units, for strategic objectives and actions related to “People” (recruiting, retaining and developing a diverse campus community), by Year 5 over two thirds of objectives were in progression level 3, sustained action. For “Process” objectives (creating an inclusive and equitable climate), 46% were in progression level 3 (sustained action) and 3% had been institutionalized (level 4) by Year 5. For “Products” objectives (promoting innovative and inclusive education, scholarship, and service), 47% were in initial levels of action, with 50% having advanced to sustained action (level 3). The overall patterns reflect significant progress in implementing DEI actions of policy, practice, and programming over the DEI 1.0 plan period.
To learn more about these analyses, please see the DEI Progression section of the downloadable DEI 1.0 Evaluation Report.