To assess the impact of DEI 1.0, U-M engaged a central evaluation process using a multifaceted, multi-method approach. This central evaluation process examined several sources of institutional data using both quantitative and qualitative methods. The following outlines the impact analysis relevant to creating an inclusive and equitable climate.

  • DEI Progression: Learn how unit DEI efforts relevant to creating an inclusive and equitable campus climate evolved over DEI 1.0.
  • Climate Experiences: Understand how faculty, staff and students experience the U-M campus climate since the launch of DEI 1.0.
  • DEI in Budgets: Understand how units infused DEI language into their budget narratives and priorities since the launch of DEI 1.0.
  • Policies & Practices: Learn about unit-level policies and practices to create an inclusive and equitable climate for all.
  • Reflections: Understand the key takeaways from unit reflections on DEI 1.0 to create an inclusive and equitable campus climate.

We Are DEI | Community Voices