During the central evaluation process, the evaluation and assessment team analyzed units’ reflections on DEI 1.0 and identified common themes that emerged across responses.

Factors frequently cited by units as being crucial to increasing inclusivity and equity include:

  • Enhanced communication and feedback in the form of DEI newsletters, structured community dialogues on DEI topics and climate surveys
  • The creation of new communications positions
  • Inclusive pedagogy trainings and curricula changes that apply a critical lens in scholarship and practice to understand systems of oppression
  • Targeted outreach activities (that were open to all), DEI skills training and unbiased hiring practices

To learn more about the aggregate analysis of unit reflections, please refer to the Unit-level Evaluation and Reflections section of the downloadable DEI 1.0 Evaluation Report. In addition, each unit’s full responses to Reflection questions can be found here.

We Are DEI | Community Voices